1997: The Duran Duran Timeline
The Duran Duran Timeline: A Comprehensive History of the music group Duran Duran. Concert dates, charts, album and CD releases, TV appearances, band milestones, personal events.
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John leaves Duran Duran; the band finishes, promotes and tours for 'Medazzaland' without him. Power Station releases and tours for 'Living in Fear' in America. Roger forms the band Freebass.
Jan 19 John Taylor: DuranCon, Roosevelt Hotel, Santa Monica, CA, USA
After a solo acoustic set at the DuranCon fan convention, (hosted by the Duran Duran Yearbook fanzine), John announces that he is leaving Duran Duran; bootlegged
Darran Guy, Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
? Spurred by John's departure, Nick, Simon and Warren write several new songs for 'Medazzaland' and revamp some of the old ones; Warren plays bass and guitar on most tracks
? John's vocals on the Duran song 'Butt Naked' are scrapped, and it's rewritten and re-recorded to become 'Be My Icon'; his bass tracks remain only on 'Medazzaland', 'Big Bang Generation', 'So Long Suicide' and 'Midnight Sun'
Warren, in 'Recording' magazine by Mike Metlay
Jan Duran sends some of the 'Medazzaland' tracks ('PLU', 'Sinner or Saint', and a few others) to Anthony J. Resta and Bob St. John in Boston for mixing
Anthony J. Resta
Jan Poorly encoded Dolby SR impedes the proper mixing of the 'Medazzaland' tracks, and nearly gets Anthony and Bob fired
Anthony J. Resta
? 'So Long Suicide' is sent to Dave Richards in Switzerland for mixing
Anthony J. Resta
? Anthony J. Resta sends a new mix of the long version of 'Midnight Sun' to Duran, convincing them to bring Anthony and Bob back to London to do some production and programming
Anthony J. Resta
Jan Duran approaches Philip Noyce to offer songs for his movie 'The Saint', the premiere of which is scheduled near the proposed Medazzaland release date; Noyce selects 'Out Of My Mind'
Jan 24 Simon records final vocal for 'Big Bang Generation'
Cyndi Glass
Jan-Feb Anthony J. Resta and Bob St. John come to London to do programming and post-production on the album; Anthony recuts most of the drums but blends in loops of Steve Alexander's drums on some tracks
Anthony J. Resta
? John and Amanda's divorce is finalized
Feb 9-14 'Out of My Mind' video is filmed in a castle near Prague with director Dean Karr
Date: Cyndi Glass; Location and director, Darran Guy
Feb 20 'Out of My Mind' snippet released to fans over the Internet
Cyndi Glass
Feb 21 Duran reports on their hotline that they have completed 'Be My Icon', 'Silva Halo', and 'Buried In The Sand', and are just adding vocals to 'Electric Barbarella'; at this point they do not plan to tour
? Just before delivering the album to the record company, Warren decides to re-record the rhythm tracks for 'Midnight Sun', removing John's work from the track and utilizing some of Anthony's remix
Anthony J. Resta
? Simon sits up all night drinking Stoli martinis with Anthony J. Resta, listening to the final mixes over and over
Anthony J. Resta
Feb Anthony J. Resta and Bob St. John add drums and sounde effects, and mix the last tracks for TV Mania's 'Bored With Prozac and the Internet'
Anthony J. Resta
Mar 18 John's EP 'Autodidact' released through the B5 website; the CD includes the video for 'Feelings Are Good' from the previous solo album [possibly April?]
Mar 25 Nick interviewed on Atlanta 99X radio
Cyndi Glass
Mar 25 'The Saint' soundtrack released on Virgin Records, including 'Out of My Mind'
TM: Mar 25
Mar 27 'Out of My Mind' released as radio single in US
Darran Guy
Mar 28

Simon appears on the 'Flashback Lunch' show on Live 105 radio (San Francisco, CA); answers callers' questions, plays flashback songs and Saber mix of 'Out Of My Mind'

Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Simon interviewed on KLLC radio (San Francisco, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Simon interviewed on KOME radio (San Francisco, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Mar 29 'The Saint' special premieres on VH1, including first showing of the 'Out Of My Mind' video
Cyndi Glass
Mar 31 Duran does on online chat at Sonicnet; they assure fans John's departure was amicable; give away autograph soundtrack CD's
Cyndi Glass
Duran does Rough Cut internet chat Cyndi Glass
Nick and Simon interviewed on the Kevin and Bean morning show on KROQ radio (Los Angeles, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Apr 1 Simon and Warren appear on Star 98.7 radio (Los Angeles, CA); perform acoustic 'Out Of My Mind' and 'Michael' live
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Simon and Warren appear on 'Loveline' radio show on KROQ; play 'Out of My Mind' and 'Silva Halo' on air Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Apr 2 Nick interviewed by phone on Y-100 radio (Philadelphia, PA)
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Duran on Star 98.7 radio (Los Angeles, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Duran on Y-107 radio (Los Angeles, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Duran on CNN Showbiz Today Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Apr 3 Simon and Nick interviewed on Rick Dees morning show, KIIS radio (Los Angeles, CA)
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection; Cyndi Glass
Duran attends Los Angeles premiere of 'The Saint Cyndi Glass
Apr 18 Simon and Yasmin attend the UK premiere of 'The Saint'
Apr ? John Taylor: [venue?], Cologne, Germany
Record release party for 'Autodidact'; John performs a song from Mary Poppins!
May ? SYN issues the compilation 'Syn Songs May '97' in Japan; includes Simon's songs 'Grey Lady of the Sea' and 'Already Gone (demo)'
TM: Apr
May ? Roger Taylor forms the band Freebass in Birmingham with Mark Anthony of Fuzzbox
Lesley at Plastic Girl
May 12 'Out of My Mind' single released in UK {CD single includes 'Sinner or Saint'}
TM: Apr; Darran Guy
May 24 'Out of My Mind' peaks at #21 in UK
Christian O'Bryan
May 20 Warren's 'Machine Language' album released on Japanese label Bandai
May 'Electric Barbarella' video filmed at Black Island Studios, London with director Ellen Von Unwerth; during the filming, Simon, Nick and Warren come up with the beginnings of 'Someone Else, Not Me' and Nick asks the cameraman to film them so they'll have a tape to work with
Cyndi Glass
? Freebass performs a few live dates in Birmingham [dates & venues needed!]
Lesley at Plastic Girl
Jun 6 John attends MTV Movie Awards
Jun ? ZTVideo Network (formerly ZTV) public access show renamed FUZ.TV and relocated from Reno to Boston
ZTV website 
Jun 17 RealAudio clips of John's work first appear on B5 website
Jun 19 Filming completed for 'Electric Barbarella' video
Cyndi Glass
Jun 26 John performs soundcheck for the Abifete in the pouring rain, but it stops after he plays 'Hold Back The Rain'
Manon Wortel
Jun 26 John Taylor and others: Radio Antenne Bayerne 'Abifete', Stuttgart, Germany
John performs his first real, electrified solo show with guitarist Gerry Laffy and [a drummer from London?]; he is so nervous he begins the first song badly out of key and has to start over; plays 'Feelings Are Good', 'My Own Way', '2:03', 'Look Homeward Angel', 'Losing You', 'Save A Prayer', 'Planet Earth', and 'Hold Back the Rain'
 Manon Wortel
Jul 22 John does an online chat on America Online
Jul 23 John does an online chat on Prodigy
Jul ? Freebass records the single 'Love is Like Oxygen' (a Sweet song) and several other tracks
TM, Lesley at Plastic Girl
Aug 5 A terrible lounge/jazz cover of 'Hungry Like The Wolf' appears on 'Just Lounging Around' by Bambi & The Boys, on Hot Productions
Aug ? John does an online chat on SonicNet
Aug 17 John hosts an episode of VH-1's 'Then and Now', and performs a small snippet of 'Save a Prayer'
Aug 26 'Hungry Like The Wolf' appears on Arista compilation 'Ultimate New Wave Party 1998'
Aug The Power Station album 'Living in Fear' is finally released in US
Sep ? 'Dream Home Heartaches' released through the B5 website
  The Power Station LIVING IN FEAR Tour
With bassist Manny Yanes and second guitarist Luke Morley of Thunder
Sep 4 The Power Station: Clutch Cargo, Detroit, MI, USA
Sep 4 John Taylor: afternoon, The Record Runner, New York, NY, USA
a planned acoustic performance following a record signing for 'Autodidact' and 'Dream Home Heartaches' at the tiny store turns into an impromptu sidewalk concert when John and Gerry take their chairs outside
John Taylor: evening, CMJ Music Festival, The Fort, New York, NY, USA (with Lach)
free show; Melanie Friedman from Three Alarm Fire joins John onstage to perform Lou Reed's 'Pale Blue Eyes'
Sep 5 The Power Station: The House of Blues, Chicago, IL, USA
Sep 5 John Taylor: 217 Lounge, Santa Monica, CA, USA
free show; scheduled to be simulcast on the Rocktropolis website, but instead was taped for a later cybercast
Sep 6 The Power Station: First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Sep 8 The Power Station: Mississippi Nights, St. Louis, MO, USA
Sep 9 'Electric Barbarella' single available for download in Liquid Audio format from the Capitol Records website for 99¢
Sep 10 The Power Station: Ogden Theatre, Denver, CO, USA
Sep 12 The Power Station: The Fillmore, San Francisco, CA, USA
Sep 13 The Power Station: Station Casino, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Sep 14 The Power Station: The House of Blues, Hollywood, CA, USA
Sep 15 The Power Station: 4th and B, San Diego, CA, USA
Sep 16 'Electric Barbarella' single released to stores in numerous formats and with numerous remixes {CD singles include 'Sinner and Saint', 'Out of My Mind (Perfecto Mix)' and the 'Electric Barbarella' video in Quicktime format}
Sep 18 The Power Station: Sundance Square, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Sep 19 Warren and his parents visit his father's birthplace in Italy, Nocera Inferiore; Warren is honored for his accomplishments in music
Ellen Cuccurullo 
Sep 19 The Power Station: Chili Pepper, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
Sep 20 The Power Station: Embassy, Orlando, FL, USA
Sep 22 The Power Station: The House of Blues, New Orleans, LA, USA (no opening act)
C. Rebaza
Sep 23 An Internet-only remix of the 'Electric Barbarella' single available for download from Capitol Records for $1.99; purchasers also receive the URL of a 'hidden' website with the Electric Barbarella video
Sep 23 The Power Station: Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA
Sep 25 John does an online chat on the Rocktropolis website just before a cybercast of the September 5th show
Sep 25 The Power Station: 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, USA
Sep 26 The Power Station: Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Sep 27 The Power Station: Avalon, Boston, MA, USA
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Sep 28 The Power Station: Supper Club, New York, NY, USA
Oct 7 The 'Duran Duran Tribute Album' released on Mojo Records; includes covers of Duran songs by a range of punk and ska bands
Oct 10 Duran chats live on AOL


Duran appears on UPN's 'Vibe TV'  
Duran performs 'Electric Barbarella' on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'  
Simon and Warren appear on 'Loveline' radio show on KROQ (Los Angeles, CA) Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Oct 12 Duran Duran and others: The Duran Duran Tribute Show, Tower Records parking lot, Hollywood, CA
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Oct 14 'Medazzaland' album released in North America
'Medazzaland' album released in Japan; includes bonus track 'Ball and Chain'  
Duran appears and performs 'Electric Barbarella' on the 'Rosie O'Donnell' show  
Oct 15 Signing at Virgin Megastore in Times Square
Simon and Warren do interviews on Z-100 radio  
Oct Virgin Megastores (in the US at least) give away an extra Medazzaland CD booklet signed by Nick, Simon and Warren with purchase of the album
Oct 16 Duran appears on CNN's 'Talk Back Live', with a topic of "teen violence"
Oct 18 Simon appears on Fox Network News
Oct 19 Nick, Warren and Simon appear on 'Modern Rock Live' radio show; take fans' questions, perform 'Who Do You Think You Are', 'Ordinary World' and 'Undergoing Treatment' live
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Oct 21 'Medazzaland' album peaks at #58 in US
Oct 24 Duran discusses style on MTV's 'Week In Rock'
Oct 28 'Medazzaland' album peaks at #19 in Canada
Nov 1 'Electric Barbarella' peaks at #52 in the US
Nov 1 Andy begins performing (through January 15) with the British Rock All-Stars (Andy, Robert Hart, Rick Willis, Dave Colwell)
[may have been cancelled? need more info!]
Nov 6 Duran Duran: The Whitney Museum, New York, NY, USA
Andy Warhol charity benefit dinner show - $2,500 a plate
Nov Purchasers of the November issue of UK Rolling Stone receive a free CD which includes 'Undergoing Treatment'
  Canadian company Smash Alley Film received rights to do a documentary of the Medazzaland tour entitled 'Duran Duran - One Step Beyond'  [Still don't know whether this actually happened.]
Nov Duran performs 'Electric Barbarella' on 'Viva Variety' show [Dec?]
Nov ? Freebass single 'Love Is Like Oxygen' released to radio
Lesley at Plastic Girl
Nov ? Freebass single 'Love Is Like Oxygen' is pressed; a CD single includes 'softunderfoot' and two remixes of the single; a planned November retail release is delayed due to lack of radio airplay
TM; Lesley at Plastic Girl
With bassist Wes Wehmiller and drummer Steve Alexander; pre-show music includes 'Mirror Mirror' by TV Mania; Nick is ill through much of November; Madeleine Farley reportedly films all shows on this tour for Nick's benefit
Nov 12 Duran Duran: Mohegan Sun Theatre, Uncasville, CT, USA
warm-up show; bootlegged; might be Mohegan Sun Casino?
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Nov 13 Duran Duran: The Orpheum, Boston, MA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
bootlegged; with guest Dale Bozzio
 Manon Wortel's Concert Collection
Nov 15 Duran Duran: Metropolis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
postponed due to Nick's illness
Nov 16 Duran Duran: Warehouse, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
postponed due to Nick's illness
Nov 17 Duran Duran: FX Clothing Store, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
promo party
Nov 18 Duran Duran: The Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
simulcast on the web; bootlegged; last public performance of 'Michael'
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Nov 19 Duran appears on MTV live
Nov 19 Duran appears at a record signing at Virgin Megastores in Times Square
Princess Starr
Nov 19 Duran Duran: Roseland Ballroom, New York, NY, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Nov 20 Duran Duran: Asbury Park Convention Hall, Asbury Park, NJ, USA
cancelled due to Nick's illness
Nov 22 Simon's dear friend Michael Hutchence (of INXS) hangs himself in a hotel room in Sydney, Australia
Nov 22 Duran Duran: Lakewood Civic Auditorium, Lakewood (Cleveland), OH, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Simon is in tears through part of this show over Michael Hutchence's death; the show takes place in a high school auditorium; bootlegged
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Nov 24 Duran Duran: State Theatre, Detroit, MI, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Nov 26 Duran Duran: Sunrise Music Theatre, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Nov 27 Duran Duran: Pleasure Island, Disney World, Orlando, FL, USA
Taped for possible Disney broadcast; bootlegged
Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Nov 28 Duran Duran: Tampa Performing Arts Center, Tampa, FL, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Nov Capitol wants 'Who Do You Think You Are' for the next single from 'Medazzaland'
Nov 29

Duran Duran: Anfiteatro Luis Muñoz Marín (LMM Amphitheatre), San Juan, Puerto Rico (no opening act)
performed without standard lighting rig and sets

Jose Luis Giles
Dec 1 Duran Duran: State Palace Theatre, New Orleans, LA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Dec 2 Duran Duran: Bayou City Theatre, Houston, TX, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Dec 4 Simon Le Bon: Manchester Cathedral, Manchester, England
Simon performs 'Ordinary World' and 'WInter Marches On' with a full choir as Yasmin leads the lighting of a thousand candles at a charity event for Henshaw's Society for the Blind
Dec 5 Warren's father passes away
Dec 5 Duran Duran: Event Center Arena, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Tom Schedler 
Dec 6 Simon, suffering from strep throat, receives penicillin injections
Dec 6 Duran Duran: Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, CA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Dec 8 Duran Duran: Spreckles [or 4th & B?], San Diego, CA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Dec 9 Duran Duran: Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, CA, USA (with Al's Not Well)
The author was there!
Dec 10 Duran Duran: The Joint, Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, NV, USA (with Al's Not Well)
Dec 11 Duran Duran and others : Q101 "Twisted Christmas", United Center Arena, Chicago, IL, USA (with The Cure, 311, Sarah McLachlan, Bjork, Everclear, Sugar Ray)
simulcast on the web
Dec 13 Duran Duran: VH1 Ultimate Holiday Office Party, Comiskey Park, Chicago, IL, USA (no opening act)
Private concert for VH1 contest winner Kathy Mash (who works for the White Sox) and fifty friends
Nancy Wardle
Dec 15 The release of Freebass single 'Love Is Like Oxygen' is pushed back to January; a video is planned
TM; Lesley at Plastic Girl
Dec 15 Duran Duran: Warehouse, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sold out; rescheduled from November
Dec 16 Duran Duran: Metropolis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sold out; set list includes Arcadia's 'The Flame'; rescheduled from November
Dec 17 VH-1 airs highlights of the Ultimate Office Party
Dec ? 'Decade' video re-issued in Denmark (at least) with four videos added: 'Serious', 'Violence of Summer', 'Ordinary World' and 'Come Undone'
Dec ? Duran appears as the musical guest on Comedy Central's 'Viva Variety' TV show
Dec ? Syn Pro studios chosen to score the movie 'Love Kills'
Dec ? Capitol elects not to release a second single from 'Medazzaland', and pushes back the European release of 'Electric Barbarella' and 'Medazzaland' indefinitely
Dec 24 Duran appears on the radio morning show on Star94 in Atlanta
Dec 27 Duran appears on the RuPaul show
last updated: Sunday, April 14, 2002
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