1996: The Duran Duran Timeline
The Duran Duran Timeline: A Comprehensive History of the music group Duran Duran. Concert dates, charts, album and CD releases, TV appearances, band milestones, personal events.
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John releases his solo album 'Feelings Are Good (And Other Lies)', and tours with Neurotic Outsiders; Warren releases his solo album 'Thanks 2 Frank' and performs several shows; Nick and Warren work on TV Mania and a Blondie album while Duran slowly puts the pieces together on 'Medazzaland'.
? Yasmin and Simon do phone interview on Chris Evans' Breakfast Show on Radio 1 (London, UK)
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
? Duran appears on VH-1's "History of Rock Video"
? 'Planet Earth (live)' acoustic included on 'The Dr. Martens/Capitol Records Music Sampler'
TM: 1996
Jan [or Feb?] 'Feeling Are Good and Other Lies' is released, packaged in a cardboard gatefold with a picture of a crying girl on the cover
Jan 25 Neurotic Outsider's single 'Angelina' released in Japan only; includes 'Jerk', 'Seattlehead', 'Planet Earth', and 'Spanish Ballroom' [packaging copyright shows 1997?]
1997: Esther Habraken 
Jan 4 Neurotic Outsiders: The Rock, Tucson, AZ, USA
Jan 5 Neurotic Outsiders: The Nile Theater, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Jan 6 Neurotic Outsiders: Ventura Theater, Ventura, CA, USA
Jan 7 Neurotic Outsiders: Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA, USA (with two opening acts)
Jan 9 Neurotic Outsiders: The Boardwalk, Sacramento, CA, USA
Jan 10 Neurotic Outsiders: DNA Lounge, San Francisco, CA, USA
Jan 12 Neurotic Outsiders: The Crocodile, Seattle, WA, USA
Jan 13 Neurotic Outsiders: RKCNDY, Seattle, WA, USA
Jan 14 Neurotic Outsiders: La Luna, Portland, OR, USA
Jan 16 Neurotic Outsiders: 4th and B, San Diego, CA, USA
Jan 17 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], Las Vegas, NV, USA
Jan 29 Neurotic Outsiders: The Viper Room, Hollywood, CA, USA
Feb 6 Neurotic Outsiders: Mazzotti's, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Feb 8 Neurotic Outsiders: Mercury Cafe, Denver, CO, USA
Feb 10 Neurotic Outsiders: The Viper Room, Hollywood, CA, USA
A Texas show scheduled for this night was cancelled
Feb 11 Neurotic Outsiders: La Zona Rosa, Austin, TX, USA
Feb 12 Neurotic Outsiders: Sneakers, San Antonio, TX, USA
Feb 16 Neurotic Outsiders: Urban Art Bar, Houston, TX, USA
Feb ? John's 'Down Again' released as a single in Japan, and used in a Japanese TV commercial
? John meets Steve Fazio of Toronto-based DeRock Records (part of DeMuzik Entertainment Group), who agrees to distribute  'Feelings Are Good and Other Lies'
DeRock website
Mar DeRock Records distributes a new version of John's CD, released a jewel case with a photo of John on the cover
DeRock website
Mar ? John records his vocal tracks ('Always Wrong', 'Better Way' and 'Feelings Are Good') for the Neurotic Outsiders album at The Plant studios in Sausalito
Mar John buys a Harley Sportster
Mar John and Hein continue working in the studio with assorted underground and unsigned acts on the Roxy Music tribute album
Mar ZTV public access show moves from Los Angeles to Reno, Nevada, and is renamed 'ZTVideo Network'
ZTV website
Mar Warren does interviews with several Zappa and Duran-related websites and fanzines to promote 'Thanks 2 Frank'
Cyndi Glass
Mar 25 Warren does Compuserve chat
Cyndi Glass
Mar 26 Warren does AOL chat
Cyndi Glass
Mar 26 Warren's solo album 'Thanks 2 Frank' released on Imago Records
Cyndi Glass
  The THANKS 2 FRANK Shows
With bassist Wes Wehmiller of the Los Angeles band I, Claudius and drummer Joe Travers
Cyndi Glass
Mar 26 Warren Cuccurullo: afternoon, HMV Record Store, New York, NY, USA
45-minute show, followed by record signing
Cyndi Glass
Warren Cuccurullo: midnight, Under Acme, New York, NY, USA
2-1/2 hour show

Cyndi Glass
Mar 27 John does an online chat on MSN
Mar 28 Warren does Prodigy chat
Cyndi Glass
Mar 28 Warren Cuccurullo: Tower Records, Hollywood, CA, USA
45-minute show, followed by record signing; bootlegged
Cyndi Glass; Nancy Wardle's Concert Collection
Mar 29 Warren does a Web/IRC chat at People Online
Cyndi Glass
Mar 29 Warren Cuccurullo: Velvet Room, Los Angeles, CA, USA (with guest Shankar)
Planned 2-1/2 hour show cut to 45 minutes following misunderstanding with club owner about noise curfew
Cyndi Glass
Apr 18 Chic: JT SuperProducers Concert, Tokyo, Japan (with guests Simon Le Bon, Slash, Steve Winwood and Sister Sledge)
At this Chic reunion concert, Bernard Edwards struggles onstage
Cyndi Glass
Apr 18 Late that night, Bernard Edwards dies of pneumonia in his sleep
Apr Stunned by Bernard's death, the remaining members of Power Station decide to go ahead and finish the virtually completed album
Apr John does an online chat on RockNet
Apr ? A girl born to Andy and Tracey
May 1? The B5 Records website (designed by Kapil Mathur) goes online; the company holds a launch party in the garage of the B5 studio in Burbank attended by John, Hein, Steve Jones, Bev Raff, Kapil, and the appropriate significant others; the servers are nearly swamped by the demand
Kapil Mathur
May 11 Warren Cuccurullo: Borderline, London, England
With Nick Beggs and Steve Alexander
Cyndi Glass
May 15 John and Hein do an online chat on the B5 Records website
Kapil Mathur
? Warner sues Andy for advances they paid him for a solo album he never recorded
Jun 7 Warren Cuccurullo: Guitar Institute, Birmingham, England
Warren Cuccurullo: Edward's #8, Birmingham, England
Cyndi Glass
Jun 25

Neurotic Outsiders: Borderline, London, England

Esther Habraken's audio list
Jun 29 Warren Cuccurullo: Royal Albert Hall, London, England (opening for Joe Satriani)
With Wes Wehmiller and Steve Alexander
Cyndi Glass
Jul 1 EMI does a test pressing of the Duran B-sides album
Sep John falls ill through part of the Neurotic Outsiders tour
Sep 5 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], New York, NY, USA
Sep 6 Neurotic Outsiders: Mama Kin, Boston, MA, USA
Sep 7 Neurotic Outsiders: Bayon Theater, Washington, DC, USA
Sep John and Steve Jones interviewed on Toronto, Canada radio
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Sep 8 Neurotic Outsiders: The Warehouse, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sep 9 Neurotic Outsiders interviewed on Rockline radio show; answer callers' questions
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Sep 13 Neurotic Outsiders: The Sanctum, Detroit, MI, USA (with Fluffy)
Sep 14 Neurotic Outsiders: The Double Door, Chicago, IL, USA (with Wax Miranda and Fluffy)
Cyndi Glass
Sep 15 Neurotic Outsiders: Deep Ellum Live, Dallas, TX, USA (with Caulk and Fluffy)
Sep 16 Neurotic Outsiders: Electric Ballroom, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Sep 17 John and Steve Jones appear on 'Loveline' radio show on KROQ (Los Angeles, CA)
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Sep 18 Neurotic Outsiders do a record signing at Tower Records in Hollywood
Esther Habraken
Sep 18 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sep ? Neurotic Outsiders travel to Europe for short tour [need more info on dates and venues]
Sep 23 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], Paris, France
[possibly cancelled - can anyone confirm that this date took place?]
Sep 24 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], Munich, Germany
Sep 26 Neurotic Outsiders: Astoria 2, London, England
bootlegged; Simon joins the band on stage at the end of the show
Esther Habraken's audio list
Sep 27 Neurotic Outsiders: [venue?], Hamburg, Germany
Sep Neurotic Outsiders record appearances on several German TV shows
Esther Habraken
Sep 28 Neurotic Outsiders: The Luxor, Cologne, Germany
 Esther Habraken's audio list
Oct German music channel VIVA airs a news report of Neurotic Outsiders concert at the Luxor; includes band interview and live clips of 'Jerk' and 'Good News'

Esther Habraken's video collection
Oct 'VorOrt' show on VIVA includes interviews with Neurotic Outsiders and with John, plus live clips from Cologne

Esther Habraken's video collection
? Simon has dental surgery, and is given the mind-altering sedative midazolam; his experience inspires the album title 'Medazzaland' (and later Nick's lyrics to the song of the same name)
? John meets Gela Nash while attending a school function for his daughter Atlanta
  Nick and Warren officially form TV Mania production company and LoFi Records label
Oct 14 SYN recording studio and video editing suite officially opens its doors in Tokyo
? Simon records a cover of The Who's 'Magic Bus' at Syn; released on the Japanese compilation 'Nescafé Excella Sounds of Summer'
TM: 1996
Oct 16-18 John films video for 'Feelings Are Good' in New York City with director Johnny Boston
autumn The Power Station's 'Living in Fear' album finally released in Europe and Japan
Oct-Nov Nick, Warren and Simon finally begin working again on the new album in Privacy, with Simon adding lyrics and vocals to tracks over a year old
Darran Guy: Autumn 
Nov 'Keynote' show on German TV station Kanal 4 reports on Neurotic Outsiders show in Cologne, with band interviews and live clips of 'Jerk',
'Always Wrong' and 'Good News'
Esther Habraken's video collection
Nov 9 Germany's VIVA news airs interviews with Andy Taylor and Robert Palmer, and live clips of 'Murderess' and 'Get It On'

Esther Habraken's video collection
Nov 10 John does interview on KROQ radio in Los Angeles; discusses the new Power Station project and the B-sides release
Nancy Wardle's Interview Collection
Nov Simon and Warren meet with Anthony in Boston; Simon records ending guitar chords for 'Michael, You've Got A Lot To Answer For' (written for Michael Hutchence)
[the day before Thanksgiving 1996]
DD.com - Simon recorded guitar chordsCyndi Glass - date met with Anthony
Nov 19 John flies to Japan to do promo for 'Feelings Are Good (and Other Lies)'
Nov 21 'Feelings Are Good (and Other Lies)' released in Japan on Polycarbon Records
Nov 21 John performs five acoustic songs at Tower Records in Shinjuku
Nov 23 John performs another acoustic set at HMV Records in Yokohama
Nov 24 John returns to Los Angeles
Dec TV Mania produces the tracks 'Studio 54' and 'Pop Trash Movie' at The Hit Factory in New York for a Blondie greatest hits project; Anthony J. Resta works with them
Cyndi Glass, Anthony J. Resta
? The Blondie greatest hits project is later scrapped when Blondie begins working on new material for their 'No Exit' album instead
Cyndi Glass
Dec Anthony Resta records the drums for 'So Long Suicide' and 'Who Do You Think You Are' at his studio Bopnique Musique
Anthony J. Resta
Dec Andy bumps into Simon in Tokyo, and they talk speculatively about John's idea of a reunion tour with two guitars (both Warren and Andy); but it's deemed impractical and the idea is dropped
Dec 31 Andy visits his brother-in-law's nightclub in the British Midlands, where the crowd is dancing to a new remix of 'Save A Prayer'
last updated: Sunday, April 14, 2002
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