About This Project: The Duran Duran Timeline
The Duran Duran Timeline: A Comprehensive History of the music group Duran Duran. Concert dates, charts, album and CD releases, TV appearances, band milestones, personal events.

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About This Project

Hello, and welcome to my madness!

Here it is, my eternal work-in-progress: a comprehensive timeline detailing the history of Duran Duran and its members. It includes band history, concert dates, public appearances, release dates, TV and film appearances, side projects, solo albums, weddings and births, and so on -- in short, anything I can pin a date on. I hope that this Timeline will fill a niche for fans, journalists and writers interested in reference material on the band. I also recommend these other excellent histories and biographies of the band online.

I've done my best to avoid gossip and intrusion into the private family and personal life of the band members, while still acknowledging those reports (of girlfriends, drug abuse, and so on) that made the news at the time. It's a fine line to walk, at times, and I hope that I've accomplished it with reasonable sensitivity.


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This site IS a labor of love, but any help I can get from my fellow fans to support the site are more than welcome!

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A few notes on the project:

a) Typographical Conventions:

  • Editorial comments and questions appear in [square brackets].
  • The dates for live shows use this format:
  • month, day Performer: event, venue, city (suburb of larger city), state/province, country (with support band)
    other comments about the date, if applicable
    hovering over the source icon will show the source of the item
  • The dates for major tours are colored identically, so that a single tour can be tracked across multiple months; additional comments about the tour in general can be found with the Tour Title Bar just before the first date of the tour.
  • B-sides and bonus tracks appear in {braces} after the single/album release information (note that "b/w" stands for "backed with", a holdover from those days when singles were 45 rpm vinyl and had two sides!)
  • The names of songs, albums, movies, and radio and television shows appear in 'single quotes'
  • Band names (aside from Duran itself) appear in bold type.
  • The names of books and magazines appear in italics.

b) I have not attempted to be exhaustive in the listing of the Duran discography. Although I've included the details of all the album and singles releases, and noted interesting b-sides and rarities, I have decided not to try to include every remix, 12" single, promo release, and so on. Similarly, I have not tried to list releases for every country separately. If you are interested in more detail, see Tom McClintock's excellent Discography.

c) I've included only a few select dates from Missing Persons history, where their history intersected or paralleled Duran's in interesting ways. For more information, see Cyndi Glass' extensive websites Privacy (for Warren Cuccurullo) and The Missing Persons Website.

d) Because this was intended at first as a purely personal resource, I didn't record the sources of my facts in the early years; I am now working on rectifiying that. I will continue to add citations as I review my research materials, but for some entries my sources may be long gone. It was never my intent to pass along unsubstantiated gossip, nor to plagiarize. I will be happy to provide credit to anyone who notifies me about material for which the source is not properly acknowledged here, or to remove false information when it is pointed out to me.

The icons in the source bar will show at a glance where the information came from. For more detail, hover your mouse over the icon to read the 'alt' text, or click on the icon to open the source text/website (where possible) in a new window .

this will note which website or publication contained the information Official Duran website or publication (tour program, books, videos, liner notes, etc.)
this will note which website or publication contained the information Official John Taylor website or publication
this will cite source of quote Direct Duran Quote (video, radio or online interview; online chats)
his will cite source of fact Print (newspapers, magazines, online news reports)
this will cite name of website Website
this will cite name of eyewitness Eyewitness (my own eyes, or firsthand reports)
this will cite name of reporting fan Fan Reports (with unknown sources)

e) I've been working on this project on and off since I first got onto the internet back in 1992 -- the few of you who remember me as "Catnixt" from the old Duran Duran Lives discussion group at America Online may remember a rough draft of this document!

last updated: Sunday, December 8, 2002

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©1992-2002 Catherine Munro - All Rights Reserved